Fun Day!

Aug 27, 2006 22:05

Today we all went to a fun day just down the road from us. It was all free (minus an extremely small entry fee - £1.60 for all 5 of us!) the kids had free food, and there were bouncy castles, a gladiator ring, a bouncy slide and a rock climbing thingy! Kirs got right to the top she was a total natural! She also got her hair braided. It's hard for me to do it as her hair won't grow and it's sooooooo curly! Now I can examine what the lady did for future reference ;)
I had a hard time walking there. My back is murder and I'm looking heavily pregnant. No I am not! This is the worst thing. All the weight has congregated around the middle and nowhere else! I'm putting weight on due to medications I have to take, plus my blood sugar is stabalising.

I got my hand tatooed with henna. It's called 'Mehndi' and it looks really nice a photo is under the cut!

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